PMA – Positive Mental Attitude – A Personal Branding Must-Have!

If you start anything with a belief “you can’t do it” … guess what? “You won’t do it!” Here’s another mind blowing phenomenon – if you say you’re going “to try to do it” … you will most likely fail at doing it! In both cases, you’re just setting yourself up for failure, and freeing yourself of the guilt and energy needed to succeed!

Before we proceed, let me share with my definition of success – simply put, success is doing your best! Logically speaking, you can never do more than your best! This takes for granted that fact that your best, does actually mean your very best – hence, slacking, excuses, and bullshit are excluded from that notion!

In my previous post, I addressed the subject of getting rid of old habits. Eugene James had a very interesting followup question:

I am curious to know your take on how positive habits can be sustained. I am thinking notably of “virtuous cycles” in contrast with the “vicious cycles”

I took the liberty of rephrasing Eugene’s comment: How can we create a positive snowball effect and continue feeding it? The simple answer is maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA).

Here’s a shocking argument to ponder about: Failure and success are two sides of the same coin. Success requires planning, and so does failure! The sad thing is, we tend to do more of the latter!

When you brainstorm for success, you put down all the resources you need and think of every single one of them. We tend to think of success in our conscious minds! In a similar manner, we brainstorm failure; the sole difference is that we tend to do that in our subconscious. You find yourself planing how you to fail! Here are some hints of how you do that all the time: “I won’t have the time”, “I won’t make it”, “It’s too difficult”, “I don’t have what it takes” … You are planning failure and you’re doing a great job at it. The irony is: you’re always successful at failing!

What you need to learn from your failed attempts is how you planned for them and replace the “can’t, won’t, don’ts” with “can, will, do”! Remember, you only succeeded at failing is because you planned it in your subconscious; you rehearsed the whole thing before it even started. This is exactly what you need to do when planning your success! This is what I call having a Positive Mental Attitude.

Learning that simple trick is the first layer of your positive snowball effect. From there on, the success will boost your confidence, you will trust your instincts more, and you will learn how to manage your lizard brain. Success ultimately leads to more success! You’ll develop a habit of success! How cool is that!

Remember, success is defined as doing your best! It’s not relative to anyone or anything else!


5 thoughts on “PMA – Positive Mental Attitude – A Personal Branding Must-Have!

  1. Thank you very much John for sharing my question! I am very honored by your remembrance!
    I very much ascribe to your approach in terms of shaping oneself for one’s own success. In fact if I may, I would like to share a link to a very inspirational ted video I watched a few weeks ago that touches upon behavior and acting in relation to success. In the same vein as your argument, I think acting out one’s success is the path towards actual success.
    The speaker is Amy Cuddy:
    Hence, through inference I may draw the idea that good habits require adopting on a daily basis a positive mental attitude and acting out what I actually want to be…
    In parallel I recall that William James, famous psychologist and philosopher, was greatly interested in this subject. I found a link to a set of his neat quotes on the same subject:
    Looking forward to your next post! Merry Christmas John!

    1. Eugene,
      I would like to thank you for your great input – the links you provided are very inspiring. I’ve always been fascinated by the interpretation of body language … or the unspoken words. Maybe I should write a piece about that … under the pretext of rapport!
      Thanks again for your comments and feedback,
      merry christmas EJ

  2. Short and straight forward blog post on staying motivated, it also matches the book I am currently reading now which is “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” which emphasizes the importance of watching our thoughts because “the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our thoughts” as stated in the book.

    Keep it rolling John 🙂

    1. Ah Robin Sharma … you know that i have gifted this book to over a dozen people. “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” is one of THE books that changes my life … I would highly recommend reading for Sharma as well, “The Leader Who Had No Title”!
      I’ll say this out in the open: DAVID, YOUR NAME WILL SHINE … of that fact I’m certain!

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