Social Media FRENZY

We are all greedy! Before you roll your eyes in discontent, try to be honest with yourself and think about it – we want success, we want money, we want to fancy cars, we want love, we want attention, we always want more time, we want trips to the Mauritius Islands and the Bahamas, we want our partners to be smart, beautiful, independent, loving, caring, wild and timid, angelic and devilish … let’s face it we want it all – we are greedy!

Social Media FrenzyIronically, this greed can also be observed in the relatively new social media environment – individuals and companies want to be on every possible SM site out there – and trust me there’s a lot out there – some are general, others are niche sites catered to a certain target, some are global, others are more regional, etc … but that doesn’t stop us from wanting to be on every single one of them – take a second to reflect on how many SM sites you are on. Personally, I am on 10 or 12 … or maybe 14 …!!! WOW … I don’t know!

The main purpose of social media is to expand your network and touch a wider audience base – but let’s not forget the basics when it comes to relationship management – you always have to follow through otherwise you will lose the customer, future referrals. and above all you risk losing your credibility. How you manage your social media presence is very critical for your business success … and my advice is if you’re not ready for the commitment don’t ride the wave just yet – it’s better to be dubbed as not In (~ the zone) than be dubbed as Out (~ of business).

“Gotta get me some of that New Marketing. Bring me blogs, email, Youtube videos, Myspace pages, Google AdWords … i don’t care, as long as it’s shiny and new” – this is a quote from Seth Godin’s book entitled Meatball Sundae. He writes about trying to match the the boring brands (“meatballs”) with the new tools in marketing that seem irresistible (“the sundae”) – you end up getting is a Meatball Sundae, which will most certainly give you an indigestion!

Before you venture in the world of social media and fall victim to this FRENZY, be sure you have all the right tools for the job. Do not be fooled by the “FREE” signage hanging at it’s gates – you ought to know by now there’s always a catch attached to that word!

I might have sounded like I’m pushing people away from social media; to the contrary, I am an advocate of social media marketing. By all means, ride the wave of social media, but know when to ride it and which one to ride! You don’t have to be on all the social media sites – look for the ones that will benefit you and you business most and manage those effectively. And as Godin mentions in his book, make sure your business is ready for this new wave and if it’s not, it might be time for a makeover. Think About It!

2 thoughts on “Social Media FRENZY

  1. John,

    Good stuff.. I was reading through the part where you say that if you are not ready for the commitment, don’t ride the wave just yet. And it reminded me of a blog post that I once read about an analogy between being socially active and s-e-x. And I found it quite brilliant. So I thought it would be interesting to share it 🙂 According to Heather Rast, becoming socially active is like losing your virginity. Here’s how:

    1. You hear and read a lot about it, but aren’t exactly sure how it works.
    2. You may take a class about it, and some will say it’s not appropriate. Others will be open-minded.
    3. You may opt out or choose another path.
    4. You may keep quiet about it.
    5. You may tell everyone. Or someone else may tell everyone.
    6. You may long for the ‘rewind’ button. There won’t be one.
    7. The “cool kids” are doing it, and you’re a little afraid of being the last one to try.
    8. Some people do it halfway. Or half-hearted.
    9. Some people will encourage you to wait until you’re more comfortable.
    10. Rumors and folklore suggest there may be consequences.
    11. It’s risky.
    12. To do it right, it takes time, energy, patience, understanding, and self-awareness.
    13. You need to really know your partner (audience).
    14. You’ll *know* when you’re ready.
    15. It may take a long time before you get it right.
    16. You might get caught.
    17. You’ll look for ways to sneak it in. And then wonder where 2 hours went.
    18. Choose your pleasure: Twitter, Facebook, Friendfeed, Posterous, blogging…
    19. Google ensures there’s no putting the horse back in the barn.
    20. Some may kiss (visit) and tell (not necessarily flattering things).
    21. There’s an implied commitment.
    22. You may think more highly of your prowess than they do.
    23. They may look for ways to get out of it (delete friend request, ignore dm)
    24. At first you may ask “so that’s what all the fuss was about?”
    25. There are definitely some tricks and tips.
    26. Some folks are pros, no two ways about it.
    27. You’ll have some “awesomesauce” as well as some “sucked hard” moments.
    28. There are emotional, practical, and tactical considerations.
    29. You’ll know when you’re ready.
    30. There are those far more experienced than you.
    31. The Prom King or Prom Queen thinking you’re nifty has some rewards.

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